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 Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here.

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2 posters

Number of posts : 159
Age : 52
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2008-11-24

Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here. Empty
PostSubject: Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here.   Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here. Icon_minitimeThu Dec 18, 2008 6:15 pm

This is the place for us all to make our comments about Clothing, Equipment, DVD's you name it......If it is Hunting related in any way and you like it or loathe it...heres the place to have your say !!

We are also hoping to make this a regular feature of the forum where I can provide write ups and advice on Hunting related Clothing and Equipment.

If anyone has any suggestions or particular equipment they would like reviewing then let me know on here and I shall do my best.

Enjoy Very Happy
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Number of posts : 159
Age : 52
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2008-11-24

Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here.   Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here. Icon_minitimeMon Jan 19, 2009 6:23 am

Fantastic news folks !!

I have been accepted by Thatchreed the manufacturers of jack pyke, viperkit, web-tex and surviva-pure to field test and review their items of clothing and equipment on The Hunting Lodge.

If anyone would like a review or indeed to review an item them selves then please let me have your (reasonable Very Happy) ideas and suggestions so that I may put them forward to Thatchreed.

I hope that this fantstic opportunity will be of interest and benefit to you all.

Jase Very Happy
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New Member
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Number of posts : 6
Age : 57
Location : Rugby
Registration date : 2009-03-09

Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here.   Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here. Icon_minitimeMon Mar 09, 2009 9:53 am

I'm in love with jack pyke kit. their waterproof stealth overtrousers and jacket worked wonders overwinter, even whilst out ferreting in driving snow and ickyness. I spent a good few years in the infantry and know how to thoroughly abuse/test/rate kit. Be only too happy to get out in the sticks with more of their excellent kit and abuse it before writing up a review Very Happy
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Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here.   Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here. Icon_minitime

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Review all your Hunting Clothing, Equipment, DVD's etc here.
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